Maranga mai ki te Māramatanga

Rise up and aspire to enlightened wisdom and compassion

Being Bodhisattva - a study workshop at the WBC - 4th August 2-5pm

Spiritual Community

Our aim is to help the people of Wellington lead happier, more fulfilled lives by introducing them to the teachings and practices of Buddhism in a way relevant to the modern world.

We offer a range of classes, retreats and courses in meditation and Buddhism in a friendly, supportive environment.

We are part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, a non-sectarian Buddhist movement with centres in over 20 countries. 

In the Heart of Wellington


Wellington Buddhist Centre

Supported by Generosity

Our aim is to inspire a culture of generosity in the way we share Buddhist teachings; all teachers are volunteers; we ask for contributions to help us keep the Centre running.

Please give what you can.