Meditation Masterclass: Embodied Mind

Meditation Masterclass: Embodied Mind

Daily 8–11 and 13 February, 7am - 8:30am

Following the seminar on 5 Feb "What's the Matter?" exploring the work of Iain McGilchrist, we'll have 5 mornings of teaching and meditation on the theme led by Maitreyabandhu. 

‘Every word, in and of itself, eventually has to lead us out of the web of language, to the lived world, ultimately to something that can only be pointed to, something that relates to our embodied existence.’ Iain McGilchrist

Note: no session on Saturday, our regular meditation class will be at the Centre.

These are replays of the teaching and led meditation given in the UK the previous day. If you want to join these live on  Mon-Fri evenings at  8-9:30pm click here.